Frequently asked questions

We use the following payment providers to accept your payment: PayPal, Credit cards, Klarna

When you place an order at, there will be no shipping costs for you.

Your order will be delivered and shipped by USPS, which is a reliable shipping service provider. We process and ship your order as cost-efficiently as possible, which is why we can offer you free shipping.

Your shipping time will be determined depending on the destination country or state in the checkout page.

If you would like to cancel your order, please use our cancellation form. Please note the cancellation and guarantee conditions.

We prepare your order with the greatest care. Should you nevertheless receive an item that you have not ordered, you can return it to us. For correct processing, please contact us by sending an email to support(@) or sending us a message using the contact form.

Yes, you can buy our articles on account and have a 14-day payment period.

Your data is encrypted using the SSL method. We will never pass on your data and will not send you promotional emails unless you expressly agree to this.

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